Managing Counsel, Patent Attorney, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. (univ.)
- Graduate of Bonn University (Physics)
- Extended Studies at the German Electron-Synchrotron Hamburg, at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, and in particular at CERN Geneva
- Fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- Since 2013 at isarpatent®
- 2017 Admission as German Patent Attorney
- 2018 Admission as European Patent Attorney
- 2023 欧洲 统一专利法院诉讼代理人
- Lecturer at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with a cross-faculty lecture on industrial property
Technical Expertise:
Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Tool Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, General Physics, General Mechanical Engineering, High Energy Physics
Legal Expertise:
Registration and Examination Proceedings for Patents and Utility Models, Appeal Proceedings, Opposition and Nullity Proceedings as well as Utility Model Cancellation proceedings, Infringement Proceedings, Infringement Opinions
German Patent Attorneys Association, Munich Bar Association, FICPI, epi, VPP, AIPPI
German, English