The headquarters of our patent and law firm is located in Munich. In addition to our existing locations in Coburg and Freiburg, we are pleased to introduce two new locations of our law firm:
Patent attorney Sarah Gehrlicher is your personal contact at the new location in Stuttgart. She is happy to provide on-site support to our clients and contacts in the greater Stuttgart area and the surrounding region, which is strongly characterised by small and medium-sized businesses, in all matters relating to intellectual property.
Weißenburgstraße 33
D-70180 Stuttgart
Tel.:+49 (0)711 41453954
The Paris office was established with our lawyer Philippe Zerbib. As a French avocat, Mr. Zerbib is the first contact to our French clients for all matters in the field of intellectual property in France. In particular, as a French avocat and German lawyer, Mr. Zerbib is at the disposal of our French and international clients to assist them in proceedings conducted in France, but also in Germany or internationally.
11 Boulevard de Sebastopol
F-75001 Paris
Tel.:+33 (0)1 80270157