Sandra V. Pilgram

Attorney at Law, LL.M., Certified IP-Lawyer

  • Graduate of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Law)
  • Graduate of the Legal Clerkship at the Destrict Court Munich (degree: state examination II)
  • Graduate of the “Master of Laws” postgraduate studies “International Studies in Intellectual Property Law” of the Karls-Universität Prague (Univerzita Karlova v. Praze) and of the Technical University Dresden LL.M.
  • Since 2012 at isarpatent®
  • Lecturer at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with a cross-faculty lecture on industrial property

Legal Expertise:

German, European and International Trademark Law, Design Law, Competition and Copyright Law, Litigation Proceedings in Trademark Law, Patent and Copyright Law and Design Law


Munich Bar Association, AIPPI


German, English, French, Czech


Legal Department:
Franz Stangl, Sandra Pilgram, Heinz-Peter Hoier, Marko Würth, Philippe Zerbib, Kaspar Steinbach