Dr. Tobias Roßteuscher

Patent Attorney, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. (univ.)

  • Graduate of the Technical University Munich (Chemistry)
  • Extended Studies at the Institute for Applied Chemistry of the University of Tokyo Japan
  • Former Staff of the Chemistry Department of the Japanese Patent Attorneys Sonderhoff & Einsel in Tokyo
  • Since 2011 at isarpatent®
  • 2015 Admission as German Patent Attorney
  • 2016 Admission as European Patent Attorney

Technical Expertise:

Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Technical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Analytic Chemistry

Legal Expertise:

Registration and Examination Proceedings for Patents and Utility Models

Legal Expertise:

German Patent Attorneys Association, epi


German, English, Japanese

Contact: Tobias.Rossteuscher@isarpatent.com

Japan Department:
Dr. Stephan Barth, Ralf Peckmann, Wolfgang Sandmann, Dr. Tobias Roßteuscher, Eiji Kimura, Yuka Richter